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Friday, July 31, 2015

Nomination Ceremony (Spoiler)

Happy Friday afternoon, everybody!! At 2:48pm BBT, the live feeds switched off for the Nomination Ceremony! James will be putting up Clay/Shelli, but we'll wait until the official word after the feeds come back on.

Nominated for Eviction:

Shelli wants to get Austin backdoored this week. She's pissed/sad, went off on Clay, blamed production for stopping Clay/James from talking before the ceremony. Turn on the live feeds!! Drammmaa!! :D

James: (to Meg/Jackie) "We have the votes, one of them's goin' home."

Afternoon Highlights:
*James told Johnny Mac that he's breaking up a "power couple" this week.
*James told Johnny Mac to vote however he wants & if he wins POV, to please just do what he (James) wants with it. James promised John he's safe this week, not going up on the block, no backdoor, nothing.
*Liz/Julia/Austin are Have Nots for the week
*James told Austin he's going for a "strong couple" this week. Austin says he has his support this week.
*James warned Austin that if he needs a replacement nom, it'd be between Austin/The Twins.
*He also told Austin that Vanessa is safe this week, even as a replacement nom because he doesn't want her to go home.
*Austin said if he wins veto and if James wanted him to, he wouldn't use veto, mainly to protect Liz/Julia.
*Vanessa/James talked (w/ Austin in the room)..Vanessa tried to defend Clay/Shelli, but James wasn't having any of it, so Vanessa stopped and said she'll support whatever game move James wants to do this week.
*James told Austin how Clay/Shelli told James last night to put up the twins.
*Austin told Liz about James' plans this week (Clay/Shelli)
*James told Meg that he could have stayed in the HOH comp for another hour.
*James wants Clay/Shelli to sweat this week.

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Friday: The Overnighter

Gooooood morning, BB fans!!! :D I woke up, read that James wants to put up both Shelli/Clay as initial noms, with Shelli as the target. I couldn't be happier!!! The game has flipped for the first time in a MONTH! How could you not be happy about that as a fan of BB?!

James thinks that once Shelli is gone, that Clay might go over to their side (James/Jackie/Meg). He said it's "Big Brother and you can bounce checks"..regarding Shelli making a deal with him on the endurance comp wall last night before Shelli jumped off. (She made him promise that her/Clay are safe this week.)

James: "Let's watch'em turn on each other." (*OMG I love you, James.)

James wasn't going to put both Shelli/Clay up together at first. He was playing around with pawn ideas, and if so-and-so won veto, then he'd do this/that. But he just decided a little bit ago (yes, he's still awake and talking to Jackie/Meg) that he's going to put up Clay/Shelli together to ensure one of them goes home.

I have to take off for work, and since James is still up and talking (as of 7:28am BBT), I'm going to just give highlights from the night, now that we know what James wants to do at todays Nominations Ceremony.

9:20pm BBT:
Julia/Liz were talking about Austin. (Julia does not like Austin.) Austin joins them and Julia starts asking him about why he told Jason about the twins twist.

9:59pm BBT:
Clay spent most of the night calming Shelli down, since she was panicking over not winning HOH (because she didn't want to win another HOH and be seen as a huge threat). Clay told Shelli that he thinks they can convince James to not target Vanessa (plus them two) this week.

1:05am BBT:
James talks to Jackie/Meg/Becky....wait, Becky??? Hmm. He mentions putting Steve up. Jackie wants to see Shelli up. James said Shelli is this weeks target and plays with the idea of Shelli VS Liz. James mentions he shouldn't have made that deal with Shelli because he was winning it anyway.

*Meg/Jackie throw around the idea of James putting up Vanessa/Liz, backdoor Shelli.
*Then they think of maybe James putting up Austin/Liz, backdoor Shelli.

2:10am BBT:
Rat girl Becky tells Clay that James wants to backdoor one of them this week, which sends Clay/Shelli into a panic.

3:30am BBT:
Clay/Shelli talk to James, asks if their deal is still solid. James (lies) and says yes.

4:20am BBT:
James asked Clay/Shelli who was throwing his name around as a possible renom (even though he was safe).
(**It was Clay/Shelli, by the way. lol)

6:40am BBT:
James tells Meg he thinks he's going to put up Clay/Shelli as the noms. No backdoor. No renoms. One of them goes home this week.

James: "Why use pawns? Just put up two targets."
James said he's pretty set on his decision. Meg said she has his back. Jackie does, too.

James: "Audrey, Jeff and Jason will be cheering."

7:20am BBT:
Becky goes into the bathroom with Jackie/James/Meg and James tells her he's putting up Clay/Shelli.

**So that's it for the Overnighter! Shelli/Clay will be the nominations today at the Nomination Ceremony. James is doing what Big Brother is all about..flipping the game, breaking promises, and gunning for those that could take him down. It's beautiful!!! I wonder if Becky will spill the beans to Clay/Shelli before the nom ceremony. Hmm. We'll see!! Either way you slice it, this whole week is gonna be fantastic on the live feeds!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Live HOH Endurance Comp

Finally the dual HOH (Battle of the Block) is ovahhhh!!! The houseguests (minus Vanessa, out-going HOH) are battling it out for the solo HOH title tonight in a live endurance comp!!

($5.99/month, 1st week free!!)

As soon as the feeds come back, I'll start covering the endurance comp below!

7:11pm BBT:
Feeds are back!! :D

James: "My nipples are hard!...could cut glass with them." (*lol!)

7:14pm BBT:
Meg: "Wow! I suck at this.." (*Jason was right, she has "jello legs".)

7:17pm BBT:

Becky said the women have to pick to get hit with the flying birds in either their "tits or the face" and that the guys have it easy. She asks BB if they can hit the guys in their 'areas'.

7:18pm BBT:
Bird poop!
All HG's are still hanging on.

7:20pm BBT:
And now it's time for some nice cold water! A shot of Clay getting hit with the water.

Steve: "Keep it comin', baby! Keep it comin'."

($5.99/month for 24/7 access..cheaper than a night at the movies!!)

7:25pm BBT:
All HG's still hanging on!! This is gonna be a loooooong night, guys!!

7:32pm BBT:
Flying birds!!!

Austin is struggling. This is not a friendly comp for bigger guys.
James: "Biceps are BURNIN'!"

7:36pm BBT:
Steve and Austin are OUT!!  
Steve dropped first, Austin (who was struggling hard) dropped a second later.

Jackie: "This would've been Jason's comp!" (*yep!)

7:40pm BBT:
Meg is OUT!!!

Liz is struggling hard right now.

7:41pm BBT:
Julia is OUT!!!

7:47pm BBT:
Jackie slaying this comp. (Get it, girl!!!)
8:02pm BBT:
Liz's wrists hurt her.

8:05pm BBT:
Jackie's doing the best, it looks like. (*Get'em, J!)

8:15pm BBT:
Jackie/James/Liz/Clay/Shelli/Becky/Johnny Mac are still hanging on!

8:19pm BBT:
 A shot of Becky & Johnny Mac.

8:22pm BBT:
Jackie is OUT!!
Liz IS OUT!! 

8:31pm BBT:
James is still holding strong. 
Clay/Shelli/Becky/Johnny Mac are still up there as well.

8:42pm BBT:
Becky is out.
Clay is out.
All that remains: James/Shelli/Johnny Mac

8:46pm BBT:
The remaining 3...
8:52pm BBT:
All 3 still going strong!
8:56pm BBT:
James: "Johnny Mac, you ain't got no worries buddy!" (*trying to get him to fall. He's not targeting him.)

8:57pm BBT:

Winner of the HOH Endurance Comp is:

Shelli made him make a deal that her/Clay to not get nominated or backdoored this week. James agreed. Johnny Mac fell, then Shelli fell. Making James the winner.

**Alright kids, I'm outta here!! If you wanna see the post-HOH comp aftermath, ya gotta have the live feeds!! I'll be back tomorrow morning with The Overnighter before I head off to work. Goodnight, y'all!! :D

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Thursday Night Live Show (Spoilers)

Good evening, ladies & gents!! :D Tonight's live eviction show starts at 9pm EST as usual. Sadly (if you're a fan of Jason's), we will watch Jason get evicted and then the HG's will battle it out for HOH. They've been told to wear "athletic gear" which means it's definitely a physical comp, but most likely an endurance comp (which us with live feeds access will be able to watch if that's the case.) If you don't have them, you can get them up and running in less than 5 mins!! Easy peasy!

I'll see y'all back here for the live show at 9pm EST, so make sure you grab your snackies and beverage(s) of choice, then meet me back here then.

9:00pm EST:
Show begins...

Julie said that it is an ENDURANCE COMP for tonights SOLO HOH!!!
Yayyy!! No more BOB bullcrap! hahaha ;) w00t!!

9:27pm EST:
Julia will be entering the house tonight. (*The HG's were instructed by BB to "act surprised", since they already know about the twin twist. lol)

The Votes:
*Austin votes to evict...Jason
*Meg votes to evict...Becky
*Liz votes to evict...Jason
*James votes evict...Becky
*Steve votes evict...Jason
*Jackie votes evict...Jason
*Shelli votes evict...Jason
*Clay votes to evict...Jason
*John votes to evict...Jason

Evicted from the BB17 House is:

Liz's goodbye message to Jason was really mean. Wow. It's not so much what she said (about her/her sister get to play and he doesn't), as it was the way she said it.

9:47pm EST:
Live Endurance Comp coming up next!!!

~~**Get the live feeds now to watch!!!**~~

**Thank you for your support by getting the feeds through the blog!!**

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Thurs: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Show Day!! Tonight, we will see Jason most likely get evicted, Julia will enter the house at some point, and the HG's will play in the HOH Comp. My guess is that it'll be an endurance comp, which us with the live feeds will be able to watch. Those of you who have been following me years know that my absolute favorite thing every season are the endurance comps on the feeds.

Last night, I was hoping Jason would do a lot of work to try to save himself from eviction tonight..and he did do a little bit, but sadly it's not enough at this point. So unless he has one more trick up his sleeve before the live show, I don't see how he can stay. :( I'm rooting for Meg/Jackie/James to win HOH tonight, as they would flip the house & we'd see the other side have to scramble and claw their way out of getting evicted this week. Who are you rooting for to win tonight's HOH Comp??

Let me go gather up the Overnighter and I'll start posting it below.
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

8:31pm BBT:
Purple Bedroom
Jason is packing up his stuff, as the others are talking about last night's BB episode. Jackie thinks because of the blindside, it was a good episode.

James: "We gotta win (HOH). Take back the power!"
Jackie: "I DID win. That's the thing. Even if you win, it doesn't matter. I f*cking DID win!" (*Stupid BOB Comp crap.)

9:00pm BBT:
HOH Room
Becky is talking about how it's best for her to win HOH this week, so that the other 3 can win HOH during a Double Eviction..which they think will be next week. Becky then talks about who she'd target if she won HOH. She'd put up Steve/Austin, backdoor James.

9:10pm BBT:
Jason wants to talk to Clay/Shelli at some point, since Meg laid the groundwork for him last night..but he's scared that production scared them too much because they kept calling them in and talking to them about it.

Jason: "Thanks, BB."

10:16pm BBT:
HOH Room
Jason said he's sad to go. Vanessa told him to not give up but to not be crushed if he does leave.

Talk then turned to about getting on BB, Jackie being on the Amazing Race, and Vanessa liking Survivor and BB the most. Jackie would do the Amazing Race again if she could. Jason said he sent in a video to get on BB last year, but this year he went to a casting call to get more noticed. Jason said he's not sure if he'd ever do a reality show again, mostly because he's jaded right now.

**my Internet is down. There's an outage in my area.
**UPDATE: Yayyy I'm back online! Okay, let's continue..

1:13am BBT:
Lounge Room

Jackie is trying to smooth things over with Austin in case he wins HOH, so he doesn't target her. She tells him that she was "going with the house" & Vanessa with targeting him before she got dethroned. Jackie said she doesn't have any issues with him, Austin said the same with issues.

Austin: "I kinda put this all on Jason. I don't know (how you're gonna vote) tomorrow but I already promised Becky my it's like, sorry (Jason)."

1:54am BBT:
Have Nots Room

Jason starts working on Shelli, trying to flip her/Clay to vote for him to stay. He tells Shelli that everyone is shifting the blame to her/Clay.

Shelli: "Who's they?"
Jason: "Everyone except Austin and Liz. Everyone is acting like it's you guys. Everyone is pushing the blame on you (for putting me up)."

Jason said that he thinks it was Liz/Austin because they "hate" him, doesn't think it was Shelli/Clay.
Jason: "I am good with my loyalty..I really trusted you/Clay/Vanessa and figured I didn't even have to bother (talking to you guys)."

Clay joins their convo.
Jason: "I can be more loyal to you guys than Becky."

This whole thing stems from Shelli not liking how Jason didn't celebrate Clay's win. Jason tells Shelli that he didn't think it was right to celebrate in front of someone who just lost and that he was trying to calm Becky down.

He tells Clay/Shelli that if he stayed, he would be a bigger target then them two and that he wants a Final 5: Jason/Clay/Shelli/Meg/Vanessa. He said that if they voted out Becky, it wouldn't be bad because Becky's not aligned with anyone.

By 3:15am BBT, Clay/Shelli talk alone and agree to still vote Jason out. :(
Shelli said "the kicker was" that Jason didn't bring them any new information..everything he told them, they already knew.

**So that's that for the Overnighter. Unless Jason is able to do something last minute, or a BB miracle happens, he'll be going out the door tonight. The feeds will be on/off as the HG's get ready for tonight's live show (like every Thursday), so I'll see you guys & gals back here tonight where I'll be posing live show spoilers and if it's an endurance comp, I'll be covering that all night as well. So I'll see you all tonight!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Afternoon Quickie Post

Good afternoon! I've been waiting for something to happen to really blog about but alas, we have sleepy houseguests today. Earlier today (12:55pm BBT), Liz "motivated" Austin into winning HOH tomorrow night by telling him that she'd give him a kiss if he won.

They then went through a list of HG's they'd like to see gone after Jason gets evicted tomorrow night.

John and Clay played some chess on the skywalk, as Shelli watched.

BB showed us a shot of Jason/Meg still sleeping as of 1:47pm BBT.
Meg/Jackie finally get up at 2:30pm BBT. Jason/James remain sleeping.
By 3pm BBT, Meg went back to bed.

At 4:15pm BBT, Austin is creepily staring at Liz as she sleeps and he cuddles her.
It is now 4:22pm BBT and we have an awake (again) Meg getitng a shower, Jackie blow drying her hair in the downstairs bathroom, and...

Jason is now awake! Maybe he'll start his campaigning tonight.

**I'll be back tomorrow morning with the Overnighter before I have to go to work. Until then, enjoy the feeds.

Stay tuned...
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